Friday, February 6, 2009

Potc Update.

Hi. This is the unoffical blog for the progress of pirates of the caribbean. I'll be posting their progress and little bits and peices. So yeah here are some stuff we know for sure:

1) There WILL be a potc 4
2) Johnny Depp IS coming back

andd.... that's about it.

Things we are not sure on but might be true:

1) The movie might be called Pirates of the Caribbean 4: The Fountion of Youth
2) Keira Knightly might come back... she might not
3) Orlando Bloom might come back he might not
4) It might be sparrabeth since people seemed to like that best... I dont know...
5) A guy named Russle Brand might be in it... He looks alot like Jack and might play his brother
6) Zac Effron might be in it(i think this is just a rumor though... i read in a magizne that it is a rumor but who really knows?)

Wow... there's more things we don't know then we do know... oh well.